As WhatsApp announced on its blog, it just introduced "Voice Messages", a Push to Talk service for its messaging service. According to the WhatsApp blog, Voice Messages is released on all WhatsApp supported platforms simultaneously which means that it's now available for iPhone and Android, which is said to have perfectly working Voice Messages functionality,
but the development team also put extra efforts into making sure that BlackBerry, Windows Phone 8 and even S40 users can enjoy the same rich and powerful Voice Messaging experience. Using WhatsApp Voice Messages couldn't be easier: right next to the text entry field you find a microphone icon. Press and hold it, dictate the message and after releasing the icon, the message is sent.Receiving a Voice Message works the same as receiving texts, photos or videos. After a Voice Message is received, the play button indicates it's a playable voice message. Tapping the icon plays the message; on Android, iPhone and Windows Phone it's even possible to listen the Voice Message privately by holding the phone up to your ear to have the message play through your phone's speakers instead of the speakerphone.
but the development team also put extra efforts into making sure that BlackBerry, Windows Phone 8 and even S40 users can enjoy the same rich and powerful Voice Messaging experience. Using WhatsApp Voice Messages couldn't be easier: right next to the text entry field you find a microphone icon. Press and hold it, dictate the message and after releasing the icon, the message is sent.Receiving a Voice Message works the same as receiving texts, photos or videos. After a Voice Message is received, the play button indicates it's a playable voice message. Tapping the icon plays the message; on Android, iPhone and Windows Phone it's even possible to listen the Voice Message privately by holding the phone up to your ear to have the message play through your phone's speakers instead of the speakerphone.
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