Google ZTE Open smartphone coming to the US and the UK, unlocked and dirt cheap | Techs On Fingertips

ZTE Open smartphone coming to the US and the UK, unlocked and dirt cheap

The ZTE Open is already available in some parts of the world. Powered by the new Firefox OS, it is a cheap alternative to low-cost Androids, and when we say cheap, we mean dirt cheap. In Spain, for example, the ZTE Open can be had for the equivalent of $90, bundled with a substantial amount of pre-paid credit. Yet ZTE isn't stopping here.

Very soon, the ZTE Open will launch in the US and the UK, where it is bound to be available via the company's eBay page. It will be priced at $79.99 and  £59.99 respectively, unlocked and ready to work on any GSM carrier.

But before you hit that "Buy it Now" button, note that the ZTE Open is a low-end smartphone running an OS that's still in its infancy. In other words, don't expect much from it and its low-end hardware.

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