Google Convert your Android Phone to Iphone using Espier Launcher iOS7 | Techs On Fingertips

Convert your Android Phone to Iphone using Espier Launcher iOS7

This app is for those of you who would want the appearance to look like iOS 7 on your Android phone, and one of the best ways to do and Customize your phone is via Espier Launcher iOS 7. Espier Launcher iOS7 for Android is a customization / personalization app that allows you to copy the look of iPhone OS to your Android. Without any complications, you just have to download the application and it will do everything automatically and quickly. The app has the same interface of iOS7, and even the calendar and the clock is completely equal. In the applications screen you will find all the apps installed on the device, you can create folders by dragging icons on others and access them full screen or uninstall these applications as like in iOS. You can also customize the icons of the apps: change the size as well as color and font size. Only need to take down the desired icon to change its appearance. You can also customize the style and color of the icons in groups or individually, as well as icons App Hub. All these options are available in the settings of the launcher. If you want to have the design of iOS7 on your Android, then you definitely should test the application. Let’s turn your Android phone into an iPhone by downloading the launcher. Download Espier Launcher iOS7 Android app for free from Google Play Store.

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