Google 10 best designed Android Apps | Techs On Fingertips

10 best designed Android Apps

Yesterday google Android team shared Beautiful design winter collection chart .This is as you think is a collection of most beautifully designed apps that is available in the google play store .


It is a clock application .Thanking for their amazing design and fluid like animations.It also come with a collection of beautiful themes and integration with Google Now 


Circa is a beautifully-crafted app with a minimalistic interface that follows the Android design language to boot.Circa is not your news aggregator.people don't like reading on a small display device .so team behind circa work to reduce the information .

It is a app that allows you to chose your desired thing among millions of Handcrafted goods.The informations and pictures of the good are wonderfully placed in the app and wonderfully designed.It comes with cool blur effects and smooth animations.

It connect host with guests around the world.

the main diet problems faced by new generation is sugar and cholestrol .the whole party app encourage the people to go back to fruits and veggies .There is a wide variety of recepies available ..

Runtastic Heart Rate Pro app that allows you to check your heart rate whenever you needed. It works by using  smartphone's camera and flash, which allows the app to see even the tiny fluctuations in skin color whenever your heart beats, pumping blood throughout your body.

This don't need any explanation.It is one of the biggest blogging platform in the world.Tumblr is unlikely to not host at least something to your taste.
Umano is a rather unique app that will read out from its ever-increasing collection of articles curated from throughout the web. 

Extras that most competing apps don't offer include photos that match your location, time of day and weather conditions and interactive radar, heat, satellite and wind maps.It is on of the most beautifully designed app on my concept 

Grand St. is much alike Etsy, in that it offers a curated marketplace where creative technology is hand-picked and highlighted from select producers and then brought to you.

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