Intel is aiming to meet the needs of digital classrooms with its newly announced Intel Education Tablets – two Atom-based Android slates designed for school use. The smaller and presumably cheaper of the two comes with an Atom Z2420 chip running at 1.2GHz, 1GB of RAM, and a 7-inch, 1024 by 600 pixel display. There are also 8GB of storage, a built-in speaker and mike, basic front and rear cameras, and a sealed battery that should last through 8 hours of usage. That the tablet is resistant to some water and shock damage, bearing IP41 certification, is worth noting.
The larger of the two Intel Education Tablets is powered by a 1.6GHz Atom Z2460 processor backed by 1GB of RAM and its 10.1-inch display has a resolution of 1280 by 800 pixels. It offers twice the built-in storage, 16 gigs, but has a slightly shorter battery life of about 6.5 hours. You also get both front and rear cameras, built-in speaker and a microphone, and a stylus. Again, the device is resistant to drops and water damage.
Obviously, these Intel Education Tablets aren't built to crush the benchmarks, rather to be as useful in the educational process as possible. As such, they come with accessories that may be used in class, including a temperature probe and a magnification lens that snaps on the rear camera. Lots of educational software comes bundled as well, including e-reader and notes applications, painting tools, laboratory experiments, and software allowing teachers to manage the class' activities. McAfee Mobile Security keeps malware away, while Intel's Education Theft Deterrent makes the slates harder to be stolen.
The larger of the two Intel Education Tablets is powered by a 1.6GHz Atom Z2460 processor backed by 1GB of RAM and its 10.1-inch display has a resolution of 1280 by 800 pixels. It offers twice the built-in storage, 16 gigs, but has a slightly shorter battery life of about 6.5 hours. You also get both front and rear cameras, built-in speaker and a microphone, and a stylus. Again, the device is resistant to drops and water damage.
Obviously, these Intel Education Tablets aren't built to crush the benchmarks, rather to be as useful in the educational process as possible. As such, they come with accessories that may be used in class, including a temperature probe and a magnification lens that snaps on the rear camera. Lots of educational software comes bundled as well, including e-reader and notes applications, painting tools, laboratory experiments, and software allowing teachers to manage the class' activities. McAfee Mobile Security keeps malware away, while Intel's Education Theft Deterrent makes the slates harder to be stolen.
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