Google Priority Moments app for BlackBerry 10 | Techs On Fingertips

Priority Moments app for BlackBerry 10

O2 customers in the UK who use a BlackBerry 10 smartphone will be pleased to know that the carrier has released its official O2 Priority Moments application - allowing subscribers to get the best deals straight from the palm of their hand.

Unfortunately, I'm not an O2 customer myself so we're not able to bring you a quick video of this one, but if you are an O2 customer already I'm pretty sure you know what good stuff is on offer. If you are not with O2 and are thinking about a move over to them - one of their selling points is that Priority Moments gives customers exclusive deals on a wide range of things - from discounts at certain shops, all the way up to cheaper concert tickets at one of O2's venues.

The application will utilize GPS so when you open it up you'll be given a list or nearby bargains. If you want to take advantage of one it's just a case of pressing the 'Yes Please' tab and you can present your BlackBerry at the point of sale to get your discount.

It certainly looks like a great app to have on your BlackBerry and I know for a fact that many O2 consumers have been waiting eagerly for this one to hit BlackBerry World.
Download the app here

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