Google Symbian Anna platform for Nokia s60 | Techs On Fingertips

Symbian Anna platform for Nokia s60

Here comes the Symbian Anna custom file,using this the Symbian S60 operating systems can be upgraded in to  new Symbian Anna .which is more popular and easier to use than that of Symbian S60.

The main features are,
  1. Bugless SymbianAnna Icons
  2. Enhanced data rate and RAM transfer speed mod
  3. Prehacked with Super Installserver. You can now install everything without the need for signing and no more package built in errors.
  4. RAM Cache and Speed Optimized (Note: This RAM optimization is only exclusive for C5-03)
  5. Read Music files from E:/Music/
  6. CPU Acceleration Mod (Speed and Battery Optimized).
  7. RAM and Memory friendly Myra Fonts (Kinda small but a pleasure eye candy)
  8. Java Permissions Mod
  9. Symbian^3 Extended Menu
  10. CPU clock optimization mod.
  11. Restart option in Power Menu
  12. Integrated Symbian Black theme 
  13. Browser Cache Optimized.
  14. download
  15. for more information visit

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