Google Facebook introduce embedded posting | Techs On Fingertips

Facebook introduce embedded posting

Facebook started the day by introducing us all to Embedded Posts. This nifty bit of code allows you to take someone’s Facebook post and embed it on your blog or website.
In theory, it’s a great idea. But from a practical standpoint. . . . let’s discuss.
Here’s the example from Facebook, an informative post from tennis star Venus Williams:
facebook embed code

To get the code, you click the drop down arrow on the post, then choose Embed and it’s yours. Paste this on your site and it appears with the same format and the ability to Like the post or the poster right from your page. If your reader chooses to comment, they’re redirected back to Facebook. Which makes sense since you have to have a Facebook account to comment on a Facebook post.
Of course, people could comment on the post in your blog comment box but that’s confusing.
Right now, this service is only working on a few media pages; Bleacher Report, CNN, Huffington Post, Mashable and PEOPLE. Not a bad line-up but there’s an issue. Most of the posts on those pages are just teasers that lead you back to the original article on their own site. So why link to the Facebook post when you could just link to the article?
Certainly, there are occasions when someone posts a new and intriguing piece of information on their Facebook page. The post by Venus is a great example. Instead of reporting on what she said, you can bring over her actual words. I do this with Twitter embeds all the time. But for this to be truly useful, it’s going to have to expand to all brand pages.
If they make this option available for personal posts, I foresee a lot of people switching their accounts from public to private.
What do you think? If Facebook rolls this out over all brand pages, would you embed other people’s posts in your company blog? And how would you feel about other people using your posts on their blog. Yes, it’s good publicity, but you’ll have no control over what goes around your post.

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