We’re getting more and more rumors dealing with the Samsung Galaxy Gear, the company’s upcoming smart watch. According to GigaOm, this device will have a big (for a smart watch) 2.5-inch OLED screen and dual-core processor. Moreover, Samsung also managed to cram a camera in it, as well as speakers, NFC chip, Bluetooth 4.0 LE support and an accelerometer. The Gear will deliver “decent battery life” though we don’t know what that exactly means. We do know that big screens and cameras are battery drainers, and are hoping this won’t be an impossible to wear device.
Alongside the watch, Samsung will also launch an app that will allow users to control and manage the watch from a smartphone or tablet. For instance, the application will be used to install apps, set notifications and so on. Both the watch and app, as well as the Galaxy Note III are expected to be unveiled on September 4th, just before IFA kicks off in Berlin, Germany
Alongside the watch, Samsung will also launch an app that will allow users to control and manage the watch from a smartphone or tablet. For instance, the application will be used to install apps, set notifications and so on. Both the watch and app, as well as the Galaxy Note III are expected to be unveiled on September 4th, just before IFA kicks off in Berlin, Germany
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