Google Pebble Smart watch | Techs On Fingertips

Pebble Smart watch

Back in March I reviewed the Pebble SmartWatch and came away fairly impressed, but I was waiting for content to follow the promises. At that point the watch had only just started shipping to the almost 69,000 Kickstarter backers, not to mention the tens of thousands who had pre-ordered the device after the

Kickstarter campaign ended. The Pebble team had gotten the basics right, and at that point you could forgive the lack of an ecosystem for an indie project that had just launched.It is no secret that smart watches are on the verge of becoming the next big thing; Samsung have announced their entrance into the smartwatch game (again) and devices from heavyweights Google and Apple are expected the not too distant future. Pebble’s team should be commended for getting ahead of the curve, and for frankly getting a lot of things right, but with impending overshadowing by the big boys we wanted to take a fresh look at how the ecosystem is doing.The Pebble I reviewed back in March was my personal watch that I had backed on Kickstarter. It has been on my wrist almost exclusively since I received it, and to my surprise it has been complemented by many co-workers and casual observers who had no idea that it was anything more than a digital watch. Design was one of the first obstacles Pebble faced, and instead of making something that looked futuristic or stood out, they decided to make a watch that looked like a watch. I was initially worried that it would be big and unwieldy, but instead it has fit comfortably into my wardrobe. I went simple with a black unit, but if you are looking to stand out more Pebble is available in more noticeable hues.

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