Google Quark chip unveiled -INTEL | Techs On Fingertips

Quark chip unveiled -INTEL

Intel's new CEO, Brian Krzanich, announced Quark - not to be confused with the Star Trek character - a new chip with a core one fifth the size of Intel's current Atom. It's teeny tiny, and it could well be the future.

So why should you care? The Quark X1000 also uses one tenth the power compared to current Atom chips. Yup, one tenth. That's a tick in the longevity box then.

Wearable tech is a buzz phrase, we know, but it's technologies such as this - the geeky "system on chip" (SoC) stuff - that builds the necessary backbone to support such technologies in the future.

Yes, we've already got the smartwatches and other fashion-like wearbale tech accessories, but longevity per charge is a key issue, as is size. As Krzanich demoed, when it's possible to "wear" such kit without thinking about it, walls get broken down and possibilities open up.

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